Hey! Hi! Hello!!! Welcome to my site!
Let me introduce myself! I’m Cody Lee Aulidge. I’m an ESFJ, a Virgo and an Ambivert! I’m from a small town right outside of Nashville, but currently living in Wilmington, NC. I’m a young Public Relations Professional looking to make my mark on the world. Just a few of my passions and expertise include social media management, photography, graphic and web design, blogging, leading worship, going on adventures, speaking and indulging in a nice hot chai latte. I’m really passionate about everything I’m involved in and I’m always trying to make others laugh. I love exploring, meeting new people, trying new things, and making memories with those I love most.
Here, you’ll find just a little bit of everything I’m involved in! From my blogs, Yadah and Blog,, my full resume and portfolio, graphic designs, events I’ve managed, some of my favorite photos I’ve taken and music, I hope you really find what your looking for! If you have any questions about my photography, design or social media management services, just shoot me an email (contact page) and I’ll see how I can help ya out! I’m a super friendly person, so please don’t be afraid to say hi! I look forward to hearing from you soon!

My Thoughts
This morning, I slept through 3 alarms. I was exhausted from my busy day before and just didn't want to get up out of bed. Because of my carelessness, I was running late for work. So, I put my daily bible study, worship and prayer time on the back-burner and decided I would get to it when I had a free moment at work.
Growing up, I’ve often heard references to “generational curses.” No, I’m not talking about something out of a movie where a group of witches perform some “hocus pocus” and declare curses on a family and the lineage that comes from then on. I’m talking about legitimate sins that are passed on from generation to generation. There are references to them all throughout the bible. Just so you know I’m not bluffing, I’ll reference a few here.
I met my mentor back in the Spring of 2016. Over time, I learned more about him and established a relationship with him. I knew that God had placed him in my life as an example of how I should model my spiritual life and relationship with others after. After about a year of knowing one another, he reached out and offered to mentor me. We both knew that I needed that strong Christian male influence in my life, so after some thought and prayer, I accepted!
A few weeks ago, I went home for Spring Break for the first time during my college career. Being a part of the Lee University Campus Choir for 7 semesters, my breaks and weekends usually consisted of living on a bus for up to 10 days and traveling to lead worship all over the eastern United States. While our tours were a blast and I was getting to live out my calling, it was super exhausting, especially when you had homework, papers, exams and a million other things due the day we got back on campus. So, since this was my first time not going on tour, I vowed to take a day out of my break and do absolutely nothing.
Last fall, I forgot how to walk.
I was the busiest and most stressed I’ve ever been. And when I say that, I can’t stress it enough. I could list all the things that I was involved in and the responsibilities I had, but eventually you’ll fall asleep or start crying for me haha. But because I had so much going on in literally every avenue of life AND I try my best to strive for perfection in everything I do, I pretty much took my focus completely away from God. While a lot of the things I was doing was for His glory, they were more of a routine instead of intentional tactics to draw me closer to Him. My relationship with Him was severely lacking. I can’t remember one time that I spent praying and worshipping to him alone in my prayer closet.
Have you experienced a challenge so difficult that you didn’t think you would make it out alive?
Dear Future Wife,
I can’t wait to meet you. I can’t wait to feel those butterflies when I realize that we’d be really cute together. I can’t wait to talk to my friends about how much I like you, but I'd probably be too nervous to say it to your face. I can’t wait to blush at your texts, and have that puppy love everyone talks about. I can’t wait to finally ask you to be mine, because it took me a while to get up the guts to ask you. I can’t wait to meet you.
I don’t claim to be perfect, whatsoever. I’m still learning with each design I create. I especially love creating marketing materials. I have experience in designing business Cards, brochures, programs, invitations, logos, banners, flyers, name tags, social media graphics, advertisements, Snapchat filters and even album covers! I love experimenting with new fonts, colors, styles and just expanding my abilities in design.
It has been a crazy crazy year and I wanted to update you all on where I'm at in life and what's going on! If you've been following me at all on Social Media, then you know probably already know, but IMMA TELL YOU AGAIN! Haha Also... literally what happened to this year? It's gone by SO fast and I can't believe that it's literally December 3rd!
I remember when I was younger, I used to always get in so much trouble for taking my mama's camera, without asking, and going outside and taking photos of our garden because ninety percent of the time, I would drop the camera and break it in some way. No, I shouldn't have taken it without asking, but I was always just so fascinated with capturing memories and beautiful things. But I was always so clumsy and always ruined my chances of every bring allowed to be able to control the camera.
The fresh and new CodyLeeAulidge.com is something that truly represents everything about me. From my love for minimalist design to the many things I'm involved in, my website is a place for everything past, present and future. My love for writing, photography, graphics and web design, event management, campaigns, social media management, research and, coming soon, my music! This website fully encompasses all of my favorite things and who I am professionally and as a normal passionate millennial!
Back in November, a good friend of mine, James Mortrude, was wanting to expand his portfolio, so he asked a few of his friends if they could be his models! I am by NO means a model which is why I choose to be behind the camera rather than being the subject of the photos! BUT, I did want some headshots for my social media, branding, etc. So I asked if I could be one of his “models.”
I need to drive.
I need to get lost. I need to find myself. I need the open road, new adventures, clean air.
I need peace and quiet so I can scream into the silence. So I can hear the voice of God. So I can cry without anyone hearing me.
When was the last time you turned off your phone? Not just turning it off to charge during the night, like really turning your phone off and disconnecting from the world? Seriously think about it…
It’s nearing the end of the semester and suddenly days get longer, homework gets harder and desires do absolutely nothing get stronger.
2015 was probably one of the best years yet for me. I fulfilled a lot of my resolutions… mostly lol. I traveled more than ever, got more involved in ministry, grew SO MUCH as a photographer, created a website and improved my Social Media presence, did good in all of my classes, grew closer to the Lord, and for the first half of the year, I worked out nearly 3 days a week!
If you’re in a position where your prayer life isn’t the best it’s been and it’s hard for you to approach God in prayer, just follow this template and it will get you on the right path to spending intimate time with our Lord.